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In Love with Romance

Reader of romance and sometimes writer. Lover of many things including music, wine, and chocolate.

Secret History of a Good Girl

Secret History of a Good Girl - Aimee Carson Secret History of a Good Girl got under my skin. Yes, it is that good.

In this story Aimee Carson gives you:

1. A hot Latin guy with caramel mocha (cafe con leche) eyes.
2. He's got a body other men would kill for.
3. He dares death every time he rides his bike.
4. He is an oh la la lover.

Do I have your attention? Isn't he just yummy??

Then, there's Alyssa. I feel for this girl. She's had it rough. She's made some real bad mistakes that no matter what she does, she can't take anything back. She has to learn to let them go and accept life goes on.

Alyssa isn't much more different from dare devil Paulo (my hot latin hero), and that is what makes this story sparkle, and just perfect.

I knew the story would be good, I never expected it to be AWESOMELY HOT. There is this scene in an elevator with mirrors all around, that is just hot, hot, hot, turn the A/C on, get your fans out. Um, no... I'm not just saying, I mean I'm still thinking about that scene.


Miami hotel tycoon Paulo Domingues knows that beneath her Southern priss, his event planner Alyssa Hunt is all sass. Little Miss Prim has Paulo's inner rebel roaring to lifeā€”he's determined to seduce the fire out from behind it!Tough cookie Alyssa hasn't fought tooth and nail to shake off her past to be blindsided by one smooth-talking boss. Until, punch-drunk with desire, she succumbs to temptation and realizes what she's been missing out on! But will Miami's most wanted bachelor run when he discovers the real reason behind her good-girl facade?